Books About Town - City Trail

 Last Tuesday we decided to tackle the city trail for Books about town. (Read back a few entries for The Greenwich trail) 
So off we set to St Pauls to begin. Taking the 172 bus route from new cross which is one of those routes that goes all around the world. Eventually we ended up at St Pauls. Completely new territory for me. Supposed to start looking for book benches but no, not us, instead we spend over 20 minutes looking for a loo. Typical. 
Well eventually we got on track and started the trail. Well let me say, I thought the Greenwich trail was tough but the City one was really hard. Needless to say we got lost, frequently. The first bench took us ages to begin with. We ended up wandering along quiet deserted back streets and walking round in circles. Let's put it this way we must have circled St Pauls at least 50 times. I'm not kidding. I can tell you every tree and shrub in the churchyard. 
Then we got really lost somewhere between St Pauls & Bank. In total it took us just over 2 hours which really wasn't so bad. It was great fun despite getting lost. 

The trail map, the pins mark where the benches are....
That's Not My Meerkat 
Characters from Jacqueline Wilson 
Bridget Jones Diary 
Mary Poppins 
Fever Pitch 
Peter Pan 
Charles Dickens In Liverpool 
Brick Lane 
The Laura Marlin Mysteries 
Wisden Cricketers Almanac 

The Wind In The Willows 
A Brief History Of Time 

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